The Heuvelton Central School Class of 2000 began their second journey of life on Friday night as their scholastic high school careers came to close with graduation ceremonies in the school's auditorium.
Honor Student Bill Zeh challenged his classmates to be a leader (Photos). Zeh commented that only a lead sled dog has a decent view and that the only thing achieved in life without effort is failure.
Forty three students at Heuvelton Central received their diplomas handed out by Dr. John P. Zeh, President of the Board of Education. (Photo)
President Zeh commented that the Class of 2000 have been excellent representatives of the school district and wished the entire class congratulations as they begin their new journey.
Kristine Pierce talked about in her philosophy that life is a book with many chapters. "And I believe that there is no better time to be reminded of this, then now, at graduation," she commented. "This is the time we will make our choices that will shape our lives and our `book' forever." (Photo)
Pierce's address expanded on honor student Emily Kingsley story about a tale she heard at a banquet of the American Academy of Excellence which brought together some of the country's most prominent lawyers; actors, scientists and businessmen. (Photo)
Kingsley's theme was "But what if I could?, wouldn't it be magnificent?"
Some of the examples Kingsley used were that if Alexander Graham Bell was probably told that never would people miles away from each other be able to talk as though they were in the next room. He likely would answer with "But what if they could, wouldn't it be magnificent?"
Alan Shepard was probably told that man would never reach the moon. He would likely responded ...."But if I could, wouldn't that be magnificent?"
She ended her speech by telling her classmates never to quit and always follow through on their secret goals.
Also speaking to the class of 2000 were honor student Joshua Havens and class president James Sheppard.
Havens challenged his fellow classmates to continue their quest for knowledge and to learn something new everyday. Havens also reminded his class not to forget the memories at Heuvelton. (Photo)
MANY AWARDS - Logan Ladouceurreceived many awards at commencement exercises on Friday evening at Heuvelton Central School. (
Photo)Sheppard expressed his thanks to class advisors Stephanie Putney and Laurie Pirie for their cooperation. (Photo)
Building Principal Stephen Putman presented the class to the board of education, filling in for Superintendent Clive Chambers.
The senior concert band under the director of Robert McMahon performed (They Long To Be) Close To You, written by Burt Bacharach and Hal David and arranged by Jim Mahaffey while the Senior Choral Ensemble sang "We Must Say Goodbye," written by Cynthia Gray
HEUVELTON - The following scholarship awards were given at the graduation exercises at Heuvelton Central School:
An award of $25 given by Betty and Bill Masters for excellence in Creative Writing is presented to Kristine Pierce.
An award of $25 given by the United Methodist Women of Heuvelton to a student for Christian service and leadership is presented to Jennifer Johnson.
The eighth annual J. Albert DeLair Memorial Scholarship Award of $25 is given by his wife, Pauline, and family to a student who has exhibited leadership abilities is presented to James Sheppard.
A plaque award in honor of the late Ralph and Gladys McMartin to a senior boy and senior girl who has been adjudged most consistent in athletics for four years of high school is given to Christopher Hunter and Emily Putney.
An award of $25 each given by Dr. and Mrs. Curt.D. Ross is presented to the recipients of the McMartin Award.
The eighth annual Patricia Dempsey Memorial Award of $25 each to a deserving boy and girl who attends classes at Northwest Tech is presented to Valery Lalonde and Andrew Pray.
An award of $25 from Jesse R. Crawford Insurance Agency to the
student who has shown the most progress in band activities during the past four years is presented to Nicole LaMere.
Florence B. Beattie Chapter No. 349 Order of the Eastern Star of Heuvelton Award of $25 for a deserving student planning to go on to higher education is presented to Jennifer Johnson.
An award of $25 given by Mr. and Mrs. William Goccia to a student entering the Armed Services is presented to Lucas Keith who will be entering the United States Air Force.
The 13th annual PFC Michelle (Shorty) Howes Memorial Fund award established by the Class of 1984 and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Howes and family is given to an all around student who has worked hard to succeed. This $25 award is presented to Joseph Seguin.
A $25 award each is given by the Fox-McLellan Funeral Home to students showing academic and community involvement. recippients of this award, as selected by Fox Funeral Home, are Matthew Erwin and Kristine Pierce.
The William Jenkisson Memorial Scholarship Award of $25 presented to the senior who has demonstrated general excellence in academic subjects is awarded to Kevin Fobare.
HEUVELTON - Graduates at Heuvelton Central School are as follows:
Shannon Denae Basford, Jill Spring Blevins, Joshua J. Boylan, Ryan K. Bush, Brent G. Carbino, *Bryan J. Carbino, Erin Lynn Cougler, Derek J. Denny, Matthew R. Erwin, Andrew A. Fenton, Kevin J. Fobare, Nicholas Brandon Friot, Joshua M. Havens, Christopher D. Hunter, *Jennifer Anne Johnson, Lucas Scott Keith, Emily Lynn Kingsley, Logan John Ladouceur, Valery Lynn Lalonde, Nicole L. LaMere, Jessica Elizabeth LaRock, Stacey Marie Law.
Robert D. Leeson, *Amanda Kay Matheson, Eric S. Merkley, Kristine Dara Pierce, Andrew T. Pray, Emily Helene Putney, Sara Anne Rice, Benjamin J. Ritchie, Timothy L. Root Jr., Joel T. Schneller, Joseph M. Seguin, James L. Sheppard, Ryan M. Simmons, *Tracy Lynn Stiles, Patrick K. Thornhill, Joshua Nathan Todd, John Patrick Weldon Jr., Heather S. Wright, Dennis Allen Yerden Jr., Charity V Young, William John Zeh.
National Honor Society - Van Heuvel Chapter
*National Vocational Technical Honor Society - Donald L. Burns Chapter
An award of $25 given by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hutchinson for the most courteous and community involved member of the graduating class is presented to Joseph Seguin.
An award of $25 each is presented to a senior male and female with academic standing at or near the top of the class who. has participated in activities including, but not limited to, varsity sports, theater arts, instrumental music, student government, and marching band. These awards are donated by Kent D. Pierce Class of 1997 and are presented to Logan Ladouceur and Kristine Pierce.
Heuvelton Amvets Ladies Auxiliary #1997 Annual Scholarship award of $25 each is presented to a Heuvelton Central School Senior Boy and Senior Girl who has exhibited noteworthy community awareness. The recipients of this award are Jennifer Johnson, James Sheppard and Tracy Stiles.
An award of $25 given by Mrs. Lowell Jenkisson is presented to the student in band who has achieved outstanding accomplishments in band during the past four years. This award is presented to Jill Blevins.
Depeyster Masonic Lodge presents $25 to deserving senior boys. Recipients of this award are Andrew Fenton, Robert Leeson and Andrew Pray.
A $50 award for a deserving student who will be entering an art related field is given by the Heuvelton Central School Art Club and is presented to Josh Todd and John Weldon.
An award of $60 given in memory of David Bullock, given by his family, is presented to a senior who exhibits an enthusiasm for life. This award is presented to Logan Ladouceur.
A Royal-J-Acres is presenting an award of $50 each to a student whose parents are actively involved in dairy production. This year's recipients are Kevin Fobare, Amanda Matheson, and Eric Merkley.
Awards of $50 each is given by David and Colleen Steele, given to students who have achieved a high academic standard. The recipients of this award were Emily Kingsley d William Zeh. ;
A Heuvelton Central School Band Award of $50 is given to the student who has shown sincere
interest in Marching Band in the past year and is presented to Logan Ladouceur.
A $50 award given by the Heuvelton Volunteer Fire Department to a deserving student is presented to Shannon Basford.
Community Bank Awards for $50 savings bonds to students planning to continue their education. The recipients of this award are Matthew Erwin, Eric Merkley, Sara Rice, and John Weldon.
The 27th annual McMartin Memorial Scholarship Award of $50 given in memory of the late Ralph and Gladys McMartin for a deserving student in the graduating class is presented to Ryan Bush.
A $50 award is given to a senior boy and girl in memory of Irene Cross Thornhill Murdock for her love of music and dedication to the students at Heuvelton Central School. This award is presented to someone who has shown love and appreciation throughout their high school years and has shared that talent with the community. This award is presented by Shirley Todd and Norma Finley, co-chairpeople of Heuvelton Central School Alumni Association. This year's recipients are Brent Carbino and Kristine Pierce.
An award of $250 each is given by the Heuvelton Central School Alumni Association and presented, y Shirley Todd and Norma Finley, co-chairpeople of the alumni association. The recipients of this award are Logan Ladouceur and Sara Rice.
Ms. Mary Monnett, a 1967 graduate of Heuvelton Central School and recipient of the 1979 Gerald L. Phillippe Award for Distinguished Public Service has selected Heuvelton Central School to receive a grant from General Electric Foundation. The 20th annual award of $50 is presented to James Sheppard.
Heuvelton Free Library Award of $50 each to students who have been regular patrons of the Heuvelton Free Library is pre: sented to Emily Kingsley and Tracy Stiles.
A Pepsi-Cola Company Fine Arts Award of $50 is presented to a student exhibiting excellence in several areas of fine arts -Drama, Art and Music. This award is presented to Logan Ladouceur.
The following choral award recognizes the enthusiasm, dedication and musical achievement of
an exceptional students in vocal music. These students will have their name engraved on a plaque and a check in the amount of $50 each. The recipients of this award are Emily Kingsley and Kristine Pierce.
The 17th annual James Ray Peacock Memorial Scholarship Fund Award of $50 to a worthy student whose effort and achievements in Vocational Education are commensurate with her ability . during the 1999-2000 school year is presented to Joshua Boylan.
Ogdensburg Elks Club Awards of $50 each are presented to students in band who have shown much progress in band activities during the past four years. This year's recipients are Emily Kings; ley and William Zeh.
St. Lawrence Chapter #60 Order of the Eastern Star, Depeyster, presents a $50 Savings Bond to a deserving senior girl. Recipient of this award is Amanda Matheson and Sara Rice.
Heuvelton Presbyterian Church Scholarship Awards of $50 each are presented to Shannon Basford and Erin Cougler.
An award of $50 given by Harold and Cindy Covey to a student who has shown good citizenship and a cooperative attitude. The recipient of this award is Kevin Fobare.
An award ,of $50 given by the Friot Family in honor of Joey Friot and is presented to Jessica LaRock.
The Heuvelton Amvets Post 1997 has sponsored two $50 savings bonds to deserving seniors who have demonstrated community involvement, Americanism, and citizenship, presented by Mrs. Julie Merrifield, representative of the Heuvelton Amvets. This year's recipients are Jennifer Johnson and Nicole LaMere.
Northwest Technical Center presents a certificate and a $50 Gift Card from Walmart to the students completing each occupational program. This year's awards are presented for: Most Improved - Patrick Thornhill, Automotive Technology; and Dennis Yerden, Welding and Machining.
Outstanding Student Award Emily Putney, Allied Health and Tracy Stiles, Practical Nursing.
The 16th annual Daniel J. Lake Memorial Scholarship Award of $100 is given to a deserving graduate who brightens our day with a keen sense of humor, good character and exceptional personality. This year's winner selected by a vote of the Class of 2000 is Logan Ladouceur.
The LeRoy Lewandowski Achievement Award given by Arthur V Brown is presented to Eric Merkley. This award of $100 is given to the high school senior who has shown the greatest improvement in his attitude toward students and relationships to others.
The following students are being recognized for their contributions made over their high school careers and what they have brought to the entire Heuvelton Bulldog Experience. The Parents of the Class of 2000 would like to recognize the recipients of this award who will receive $15 each and they are Bryan Carbino, Stacey Law, Benjamin Ritchie, Timothy Root, Joel Schneller, Ryan Simmons, Joshua Todd; Heather Wright, and Charity Young.
A Brian Kelly Memorial award is given to a student who has shown most interest in drama. This award is given by the Greg and Lillian LaRose Family and the Bruce and Mary Nichols Family. The recipient of this $100 award is Logan Ladouceur.
An award of $100 in memory of Dale Simms, given by Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Lewandowski for a senior student who has shown the most social growth in four years is presented to Andrew Fenton.
Eighth annual Allen Gutterson Memorial Award of $100 each to a deserving male and female athlete who is planning to continue his/her education is presented to Christopher Hunter and Emily Putney.
These awards were given by Allen's wife, Kathleen Gutterson and his daughters Trisha and Alisha. .
An award of 4100 each to the graduating seniors from St. Raphael's Parish who have consistently exhibited a Christian attitude, spirit, and generosity to the parish and community: This year's awards are presented to Jennifer Johnson and John Weldon.
Heuvelton Central School PTSO Award of $100 each to a deserving boy and girl in the Class of 2000 is presented to Jill Blevins and William Zeh.
Thomas G. White Memorial Scholarship Award is given annually to a member of the graduating class who plans to go on to college or military service. Someone who has a happy, positive outlook and lives life to the fullest. Someone who displays good citizenship and a willingness to help others in a sincere and positive manner.
The recipients of the seventh annual Thomas G. White Memorial Scholarship Award in the amount of a $100 each are Emily Kingsley and Logan Ladouceur.
A St. Lawrence Education Local 873 Faye Baxter Memorial Scholarship of $100 is presented to John Weldon.
An Ila M. Livingston Memorial Scholarship Award of $100 is presented to a student who has shown the most improvement in English during the last four years The recipient of this award is Emily Kingsley.
A $200 award is given by Dale Witherell Class of `61 to a senior with a strong math and science background who shows a positive attitude towards learning and plans on entering a career in either computer science or engineering. This year's recipient is James Sheppard.
The Heuvelton Teachers' Association presents a scholarship award of $250 to a student planning to continue his/her education in the teaching field. The award is given in memory of Debbie Russell and is presented by Mrs. Debra DeLuca, president of the Heuvelton Teachers' Association. Recipient of this year's scholarship is Sara Rice.
The Kiwanis Club of Ogdensburg is giving a $300 scholarship to a graduating senior. This year's recipient is Jennifer Johnson.
An award of $200 goes to a deserving senior who has shown outstanding musical ability and achievement. The award is in memory of Wilbert and Grace Parish given by their children and grandchildren. The recipient will have his/her name engraved on a plaque and a check in the amount of $200. This award is presented to Emily Kingsley.
A SUNY Canton Alumni Scholarship in the amount of $200 is .awarded to Matthew Erwin.
An award from the American Association of Retired Persons in the amount of $200 is awarded to Amanda Matheson.
This scholarship is open to any HTA member's dependent who is a senior in high school and entering college in the fall. This year's recipient of this $250 award is Zachary Bush who attends Hermon-Dekalb.
A Jerrine Hutchinhson Scholarship Award of $250 each to students planning to continue their education is presented to Joshua Boylan and Matthew Erwin.
The Heuvelton Amvets Post 1997 has sponsored a $250 scholarship to a deserving senior in memory of Brian P Kelly.
The recipient of this award, male or female, must exhibit the traits that made Brian Kelly special to those who knew him. These traits include friendliness, helpfulness, determination, cooperation, enthusiasm, and overall optimistic outlook. This year's recipient is Nicholas Friot.
A Scholarship Award given by the Ogdensburg Amvets Wallace E. Rock Post #19 in the amount of $300 is awarded to Amanda Matheson.
An Ogdensburg Rotary Scholarship in the amount of $250 each presented to Jill Blevins and Amanda Matheson.
The George M. Dickson Memorial Scholarship was established by Mr. Dickson to help young men and women from the North Country to pursue their dreams in higher education.
This award is given to a student on the basis of his/her career goals, financial need, and personal character. This year's recipient of this $00 award is Emily Putney.
A scholarship award given by the Loyal Order of Moose Lode, Ogdensburg, in the amount of $500 is presented, to John Weldon.
A $500 scholarship for Academic Excellence given by the State Education Department is awarded to Kristine Pierce and William Zeh.
McCadam Cheese Company offers this $500 initial scholarship to support the further education of a Heuvelton Central School senior who personifies the virtues of industriousness, perseverance, integrity, and service to others. An annual award of $500 for up to three additional consecutive years of college study will be provided upon receipt by McCadam of current college transcript and proof of enrollment for the succeeding scholastic year. This award is presented by representatives of the McCadam's Total Quality Communications Team. This year's recipient is Emily Putney.
A $570 scholarship award from District Union Local One of the United Food and Commercial Workers is presented to Matthew Erwin.
The 16th annual Jessie M. Friot Scholarship of $1,200 to students who plan to continue their education. Consideration is given to ability, attitude and achievement. An award of $600 each is presented to Tracy Stiles and William Zeh.
The Heuvelton Lions Club has given $1,250 to be used for senior scholarship awards.
Gary White, president of the Heuvelton Lions Club, will present these awards.
The following students will receive an award of $250 each: Logan Ladouceur, Amanda Matheson, Sara Rice, James Sheppard and Tracy Stiles.
The 13th annual award given by the late Stanley K. McCadam and Helen Q. McCadam in the amount of $600 each is presented to Joshua Havens, James Sheppard, Kristine Pierce, and Emily Putney.
The amount of this award is taken from interest accrued on a gift to the school from the McCadarn's. The fund is self-perpetuating and we are allowed to use only the interest on the principal.
A $1,500 scholarship for Academic Excellence given by the State 'Education Department is awarded to Emily Kingsley.
A $2,000 Achievement Scholarship from Plattsburgh State is awarded to Jill Blevins.
An Elks National Scholarship in the amount of $3,000 a year for four years is awarded to Emily Kingsley.
A Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship in the amount of $4,000 from the New York Lottery is presented to James Sheppard.
A $4,000 Merit Scholarship from Plattsburgh State is awarded to Amanda Matheson.
An Achievement award from Clarkson University in the amount of $5,000 per year is awarded to Joshua Havens.
A Clarkson University Award in the amount of $8,000 per year is awarded William Zeh.
A Scholarship from St. Lawrence University in the amount of $19,000 a year is awarded to Emily Putney.