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Any opinions, facts, or other information on this site are the complete responsibility of this HCS Alumni On The Web site manager/owner and in no way reflect the opinions or requirements of the official HCS web site. If you have any comments on this web site, do not contact the official HCS web site.
The policies and standards set forth for these web pages are:
Enjoy yourself, renew old acquaintances, find old friends, reminisce or just plain surf around and otherwise have a good time. Visit the Message Board, or use the Site-specific Search Engine to see if someone's name is on the site.
SPAM: We will take precautions to hold alumni e-mail addresses secure but which will still allow most clients to "click to send" e-mails. We will work to prevent spiders and crawlers from harvesting your or my own e-mail address for Spam distribution lists.
It is not possible to positively and perfectly protect e-mail addresses from being harvested, but rest assured I will make a strong effort to do so. All e-mail addresses are modified in such a way as to trash harvesting software but still allow viewing and clicking with standard e-mail clients and browsers.
YOU, the alumni shall not use this web site for any indecent, immoral or illegal act. Yes, I am the one who decides what may be indecent or immoral on this site. I may allow short debate, but my word will be final on all matters of content for this web site.
Site Management shall NOT in any way intentionally share any non-posted Alumni information with any other party unless the specific Alumni gives specific permission for same.
If you wish to contact someone I may have contact information for, you will have to give me your contact information. I will then pass that information along to the person you are trying to contact, if I am able to contact them. It will then be their responsibility or decision to contact you. I will not make multiple attempts to contact any one person - do not even ask.
No form of SPAM, USPAM, UCE or UBE, indecency or vulgarity will be tolerated by this site. Persons discovered to be using ANYTHING from these pages for same will be immediately and permanently removed from the database and any postings, and will be reported to their respective ISPs with a request for shut-down or deletion of their account/s. The management of this site are serious spam-fighters and lart with extreme prejudice.
A newsletter is available, which anyone can ask to be copied on, whether or not they are alumni, so that parents, siblings, etc. may also keep track of activities on the site. We invite all alumni, their families and anyone concerned to join us.
A Confirmed Optin method is used to create the e-mail distribution list for the newsletter. This means that a person asks for the newsletter, and then I will send a "confirming" e-mail back to that person, to "confirm" that they did indeed request to receive the newsletter. When that person responds to my e-mail, from the SAME e-mail address, I will then consider their request "confirmed" and place them on the distribution list.
The reasoning behind this method is to prevent HCS Alumni on the Web from being accused of spamming, which would be a violation of internet etiquette AND any reputable ISP's use policy which can, in turn, result in the closing of our accounts and deletion of the web site. By using "Confirmed Optin", we have, on record, as proof, the e-mails which were sent back and forth during the confirmation process.
These pages are and shall remain non-profit as long as I am in charge of them.
Input from Alumni is encouraged and appreciated. This attitude shall be maintained through the offering of a way to contact me. Our guest book is a form which alumni can fill out to send information or ask questions.
I will maintain a database of mailing addresses for any alumni I/we/you can locate for the purpose of sending alumni information and event information. Anyone can request that they not be included in these distributions, and may request to be removed from such communications, and such request will be faithfully honored in a timely fashion. If you think a request for removal has been violated or ignored, a second chastisement is in order and expected. We will deserve it.
We will not post anyone's URL, street address or e-mail address unless they give permission for same. We will immediately remove anyone's information promptly upon request.
For informational purposes, we will publish all available alumni names, city, state, and zip codes if available, but not street addresses and not e-mail addresses unless we have permission.
If an alumni wishes to contact another alumni who does not have contact information posted, we will make an attempt at having the unlisted person contact the originator of the request, if we have the information. We accept no responsibility of any kind for such contact and act only as a facilitator for the initial contact.
ALL e-mails sent out by the web site manager (me) shall be virus-scanned AFTER the Send button is clicked but BEFORE the e-mail is passed to my ISP. ALL graphics, code, etc. shall be checked for viruses and worms prior to placing them on the web site. Web site security data shall NOT be disclosed to any other party without my specific, written permission.
For further information or questions, please contact me.
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Lupd: January, 2002, /twr
If you like sending spam, here are some addresses for your harvester to choke on
222222222@222.222 , abed@heypete.com,
nobody@spamcop.net ,
moftec@moftec.gov.cn ,
mcit@mcit.gov.sg ,