State University of New York
College of Technology
Cornell Drive - FOB 610
Canton, New York 13617
Telephone: 315/386-7205
22 Woods Drive
Canton, New York 13617
Telephone: 315/386-6385
1979 Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Ed.D. In Vocational and State University
Technical Education
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
1973 Western Kentucky University M.A. in Business Education
Bowling Green, Kentucky 42101
1972 Western Kentucky University B.S. in General Business
Bowling Green, Kentucky 42101
1969 State University of New York A.A.S. in Business
College of Technology Administration
Canton, New York 13617
Executive Assistant to the President. State University of New York, College of Technology, Canton, New York (1994-Present).
Major Responsibilities: Managing the daily operation of President's Office and providing advice to the President on various aspects of college operation; directing and undertaking special studies and projects germane to institutional and related extramural problems and opportunities; representing the President with external agencies including legislative leaders; serving as liaison to SUNY System and State Education Department executive officers; directing the development of new programs of study; overseeing the development and approval of baccalaureate degree offerings; establishing and maintaining partnerships with business, industry, high schools, and colleges; designing, implementing, and helping to sustain the campus continuous quality improvement process; directing and facilitating the strategic planning process; directing the implementation of collegiate football; and designing and implementing the academic program review process.
Executive Assistant to the President and Interim Vice-President for Student Affairs and Dean of Enrollment Management. State University of New York, College of Technology, Canton, New York (1996 -1998).
Major Responsibilities: Managing the daily operation of the of the President's Office and providing advice to the President on various aspects of college operation; directing and undertaking special studies and projects germane to institutional and related extramural problems and opportunities; representing the President with external agencies including legislative leaders; serving as liaison to SUNY System and State Education Department executive officers; directing the development of new programs of study; overseeing the development and approval of baccalaureate degree offerings; establishing and maintaining partnerships with business, industry, high schools, and colleges; designing, implementing, and helping to sustain the campus continuous quality improvement process; directing and facilitating the strategic planning process; and designing and implementing the academic program review process; leading and managing the offices of Admissions, Registrar, Financial Aid, the Dean of Student Affairs, and Athletics.
Associate Vice-President for Academic Affairs. State University of New York, College of Technology, Canton, New York (1993-94)
Major Responsibilities: Assisting in coordinating support services for instructional and academic program development; supporting recruitment, selection, retention, and promotion activities of teaching faculty; conducting annual performance reviews; preparing academic affairs portion of annual budget; reviewing and recommending course schedules; and directing venture team deliberations.
Chairman, Department of Business and Public Services. State University of New York, College of Technology, Canton, New York. (1985-1992)
Major Responsibilities: Providing overall department leadership including recommending and reviewing curriculum offerings, consulting and evaluating faculty, recommending personnel assignments; evaluating instructional delivery strategies; recommending department budgets and resource allocation; conducting advisory committee meetings; and directing new program initiatives.
Coordinator of Sponsored Research and Governmental Affairs, (July, 1980-July, 1985 concurrent with academic responsibilities)
Major Responsibilities: Developing and directing the administration of office and sponsored program budgets; proposal and policy writing and serving as liaison to State Education Department; grants management; and office and program staff supervision; consulting with the public and private sectors, advisory committees, and local education agencies in planning and designing contracted training programs; designing and conducting customized training programs for both the public and private sectors including staffing, budgeting, and evaluation.
Research Associate. United States Office of Education Funded Project, Developing Competency Based Individualized Instructional Modules for Owner-Managers of Small Business Firms (August, 1976 - December, 1977). Marketing Education Program Area, Division of Vocational-Technical Education, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia (academic leave of absence 1976-1978).
Major Responsibilities: Researching, developing, and testing instructional modules designed to provide new owner - managers of small business firms with the competencies needed to successfully operate the business; training personnel in the use of the modules; supervising the instructional delivery system; and writing the final technical report.
Marketing Education Teacher-Coordinator. Elizabethtown Senior High School, Elizabethtown,
Kentucky (August, 1973 - June, 1974)
Major Responsibilities: Organizing and launching marketing education program; developing and administering program budget; teaching related marketing education classes to sophomore, junior, and senior high school students; supervising and coordinating the marketing education program; and directing high school DECA Chapter.
Member, Village of Canton Revitalization Committee
Member, Steering Committee, St. Lawrence County Health Initiative
Member, St. Lawrence County Economic Development Corridor Working Group
Member, BOCES Vocational-Technical Education Advisory Group
Director, SUNY Canton Academic Assessment Study
Chairman, College Planning Committee
Chairman, Middle States Accreditation Committee on Programs and Curricula
Member, SUNY Two-year College Business Council
Member, Editorial Board, Marketing Educators Journal
Member, Regional Committee, NYS Association of Two-Year Colleges
Member, Advisory Board, Early Childhood Education
Consultant, Instructional Support System for Occupational Education -University of the State of
New York
Member, Board of Directors, College Association, Incorporated
Member, St. Mary's School Board of Education
SUNY Research Council Award for Technology Transfer, 1992
Distinguished Faculty Award, 1984
"A Case Study of Perceived Formative and Operational Problems Encountered by Female Entrepreneurs in Retail and Service Firms Located in the Roanoke, Virginia, Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA)," Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, November, 1979.
Co-author - A Competency Based Educational Program For Persons Interested in Small Business Ownership, Vocational Studies Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1982.
Co-author - "Perceived Formative and Operational Problems Encountered by Female Entrepreneurs in Retail and Service Firms." Journal of Small Business Management, April, 1982.
Designed and delivered executive, mid management, and first line supervisory and leadership training programs including employee motivation, total quality management, teambuilding, leadership development, strategic planning, total quality management, conflict resolution, time management, verbal communication, presentation skills, job and task analysis, and customer service.
Typical clients include General Electric, Climax Manufacturing, Reynolds Metals, General Motors, Boise-Cascade, Wyeth-Ayerst Labs, Kinney Drugs, Kraft, Champion International, New York State Power Authority, New York State Department of Social Services, New York State Department of Transportation, Fort Drum Executive Development Group, Clarkson University, St. Lawrence University, Potsdam College, and CompAS.