<==== HCS GUEST BOOK ====>
First Name: Middle Initial: Last Name: Maiden Name if Applicable: Class of
The following information is requested not only so we can appreciate your visit, but also to be able to send you Alumni notices of event, reunions, and other planned events.
Street Address: City: State: ZIP:
E-mail Address: Personal URL:
Add my e-mail address to the List so classmates can find me.
Do not add my e-mail address to the List.
Add my Street Address to the Rosters so classmates can find me.
Do not add my Street Address to the Rosters
I would like to receive e-mail about the Alumni web site/activities
I do not wish to receive e-mail about the Alumni web site/activities
You may make additional comments here:
And last, but not least, we would love to have your stories, pictures, "tall tales", gossip, or anything else you would like to send us for posting to the web pages. In particular we would like to have a recent picture of you and/or you and your loved ones to post. You may send them via email attachment to r91658@usadatanet.net.
This web site has not, does not, and never will knowingly post, encourage, or otherwise allow pornography or offensive materials or references in any form. September 26, 1999